Tuesday, May 20, 2008

I r not dead

HOLA every one I am not dead.

I know it may seem like I have been dead cause of my lack of posts but I am not. I have just been distacked. ^-^ I get distacked alot.

So things have been kinda busy here I had a dance and other stuff has happened. I had my dance type thing and it was really fun I danced with Alf and my friends and stuff.

He went to pick me up and this dog ran up and bit him when he was on my porch it was kinda funny. During the dance I kissed him it was his frist kiss witch was really cute. We slow dance it was his frist slow dance witch was cute but odd cause he didn't know what he was doing. He was soooo cute.
Frank was being his normal mean self but I am used to that now. I wish I knew why he is mean to me but thats and other rant for another blog.

So thats all for now I will bitch about Cassie latter she is calling me a whore and shit.

Love ya all

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

God why is it only Tuseday

So today is only tuseday witch fails I have to deal with school for like 3 more days before its the weekend. I needs to just be summer so I an stay up late and sleep in. I want to get a job this summer so I can have moneys. I need money so I buy stuff like decent birthday presents for my dad and family and friends and stuff.

My Dad's birthday is the 21st of this month and I want to get him wii fit but is is like $80.00 and with my allowance I will only have $60.00 in time for his birthday. He says if I got him it he would make me take it back cause it would be to big of a gift for him. But oh well I need to get him something but I have no clue what.

So we went over Edward's yesterday after my dad got his hair cut. We chilled and played the ps3 it was fun then I went home and went to bed.

I had a odd dream I was like trapped in side this ps2 game I have become obsessed with lately (I don't remember how to spell it) and the only way out was to roll a 50000 meter ball and I started off at like 5cm so it would take awhile. Just as I was getting big enught to roll up the flying whale my alarm went off and I was all like "Oh on I lose!"

So I just asked Alf he can give a ride to the dace cause my dad will get lost and he said sure witch is sweet. He is such a nice guy and stuff. ^-^ On the down side this means that my dad will attack us with a camera at some point thanks to my grandmother wanting pics of everything! But oh well the dance will be fun and who knows I might build up the courage to kiss Alf then or maybe not I was never good at being the first one to kiss the other one.

So yeah thats all for now I think maybe you might get another post today if I feel friendly of something cool happens.

Byes peoples! ^-^

Monday, May 12, 2008

Long time no blog

What is up the people not reading this!
I haven't posted in awhile and its cause I have been busy and stuff. So yesterday was mother's day so I called my mom and that went badly she went off on me about how I didn't send her a card witch I did I guess it didn't get there or something. She decied to make me feel like dirt witch is allways fun. Some times I hate her soo much

But oh well so Edward had his ankel cut open friday so me and my dad got to look after him all weekend witch was not fun at all. He was so whine and stuff.

So thats all for now I think I might go do something productive maybe....

Friday, May 9, 2008

Should I?

So lately I have had the urge to hug and maybe kiss Alf but I don't know how he would react to me doing such a thing. I don't want to upset him. He is an pretty awesome guy and I would for things to get messed up between us.
So lately I have had the feeling that Cassie still has feelings for Alf I know that they did date and I see the way she looks at him. The fact that she disses me behind my back does not help eather. I try to be nice to that but I guess she dosen't think so. But oh well you can't keep everyone happy and honestly I really don't care what she thinks about me.

bye for all

Welcome to my blog is thing

So hello every one welcome to my blog!!
this is actuality my 2ed blog cause I am making this one for my boyfriend who I shall call Alf.
He is a pretty cool kid, but for some reason he still has a feeling that I was jokeing when I asked him out witch I wasn't that would be way to mean of me and I am a nice person when I want to be.
This post will be short cause the bell will ring soon witch sucks but hey I have 3 studdy halls today so I am sure I will post more soon.
so yeah thats all for now.

I <3 you all