Tuesday, May 13, 2008

God why is it only Tuseday

So today is only tuseday witch fails I have to deal with school for like 3 more days before its the weekend. I needs to just be summer so I an stay up late and sleep in. I want to get a job this summer so I can have moneys. I need money so I buy stuff like decent birthday presents for my dad and family and friends and stuff.

My Dad's birthday is the 21st of this month and I want to get him wii fit but is is like $80.00 and with my allowance I will only have $60.00 in time for his birthday. He says if I got him it he would make me take it back cause it would be to big of a gift for him. But oh well I need to get him something but I have no clue what.

So we went over Edward's yesterday after my dad got his hair cut. We chilled and played the ps3 it was fun then I went home and went to bed.

I had a odd dream I was like trapped in side this ps2 game I have become obsessed with lately (I don't remember how to spell it) and the only way out was to roll a 50000 meter ball and I started off at like 5cm so it would take awhile. Just as I was getting big enught to roll up the flying whale my alarm went off and I was all like "Oh on I lose!"

So I just asked Alf he can give a ride to the dace cause my dad will get lost and he said sure witch is sweet. He is such a nice guy and stuff. ^-^ On the down side this means that my dad will attack us with a camera at some point thanks to my grandmother wanting pics of everything! But oh well the dance will be fun and who knows I might build up the courage to kiss Alf then or maybe not I was never good at being the first one to kiss the other one.

So yeah thats all for now I think maybe you might get another post today if I feel friendly of something cool happens.

Byes peoples! ^-^

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