Tuesday, May 20, 2008

I r not dead

HOLA every one I am not dead.

I know it may seem like I have been dead cause of my lack of posts but I am not. I have just been distacked. ^-^ I get distacked alot.

So things have been kinda busy here I had a dance and other stuff has happened. I had my dance type thing and it was really fun I danced with Alf and my friends and stuff.

He went to pick me up and this dog ran up and bit him when he was on my porch it was kinda funny. During the dance I kissed him it was his frist kiss witch was really cute. We slow dance it was his frist slow dance witch was cute but odd cause he didn't know what he was doing. He was soooo cute.
Frank was being his normal mean self but I am used to that now. I wish I knew why he is mean to me but thats and other rant for another blog.

So thats all for now I will bitch about Cassie latter she is calling me a whore and shit.

Love ya all

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

*bows down* Ok ok I'm not mad anymore or whatever. x3 I realize how insane I am because I enjoy this waaaayy too much http://kellywormtongue.deviantart.com/art/Comic-Marauders-Take-It-Off-22044797 and I admit I have been pretty stupid. I'm sorry. :/ I suppose I've been a hypocrite in a way.